December 02, 2015          jmt99          News

Hey guys, we know we have not made a blog post in a while, and this is because jmt99 has been busy in school and also there has not been much going on in the world of Jmt Studios. But now, we have something to talk about. The year is coming to a close, and 2016 is just around the corner. We have great things planned for 2016, and today we wanted to give you guys a sneak preview of something new that is coming soon.

Time for more greatness - 2016

So today, we are proud to announce that will be getting a site overhaul coming early 2016. We will be re-making the whole website theme for a fresh new look for 2016. The current theme we have on the blog was created over a year ago by our web developer zachriaul (shout out to him!), so we wanted to try something new. We  will also be planning to move the blog part of the website to something like and then have a more stand-alone site on the core domain ( Anyways, enough talking. Here is a preview of the new blog theme

Current Jmt Studios Blog Theme (created by zachriaul):


Jmt Studios 2016 Blog Theme (created by jmt99):


  2021 Game
  Hallows Quest


